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fev 25 2015
Buy College Term Papers
There are many of interior links throughout the design of a blog, in addition to outside links due to the power to keep a website with a remark. Wp will be the hottest selection as it offers great versatility and is free. Blogging may also be helpful you accomplish more consumers, if you are a …
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fev 25 2015
Buy College Term Papers
There are many of interior links throughout the design of a blog, in addition to outside links due to the power to keep a website with a remark. Wp will be the hottest selection as it offers great versatility and is free. Blogging may also be helpful you accomplish more consumers, if you are a …
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fev 25 2015
Buy College Term Papers
There are many of interior links throughout the design of a blog, in addition to outside links due to the power to keep a website with a remark. Wp will be the hottest selection as it offers great versatility and is free. Blogging may also be helpful you accomplish more consumers, if you are a …
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fev 25 2015
Buy College Term Papers
There are many of interior links throughout the design of a blog, in addition to outside links due to the power to keep a website with a remark. Wp will be the hottest selection as it offers great versatility and is free. Blogging may also be helpful you accomplish more consumers, if you are a …
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fev 25 2015
Buy College Term Papers
There are many of interior links throughout the design of a blog, in addition to outside links due to the power to keep a website with a remark. Wp will be the hottest selection as it offers great versatility and is free. Blogging may also be helpful you accomplish more consumers, if you are a …
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fev 25 2015
Buy College Term Papers
There are many of interior links throughout the design of a blog, in addition to outside links due to the power to keep a website with a remark. Wp will be the hottest selection as it offers great versatility and is free. Blogging may also be helpful you accomplish more consumers, if you are a …
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dez 18 2014
Agentes da ditadura investigaram 44 mil paranaenses
Durante o regime militar, 44 mil paranaenses foram investigados de perto por agentes da ditadura. Este é o número de fichas individuais encontradas no Departamento de Ordem Política e Social (Dops) do Paraná, que funcionava na Rua João Negrão, no Centro de Curitiba. O controle era feito de perto, com grupos de vigilância instalados em …
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dez 16 2014
Comissão Estadual da Verdade – Teresa Urban dá detalhes do relatório final
A Comissão Estadual da Verdade – Teresa Urban realiza nesta quarta-feira, 17, às 9 horas, coletiva de imprensa para detalhar o seu relatório final sobre as investigações investigações de casos de violações de direitos humanos cometidos no Paraná durante a ditadura militar, entre 1946 e 1988.Instalada em abril de 2012 pelo governador Beto Richa, a …
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dez 11 2014
Conheça e acesse o relatório final da CNV
O relatório final da Comissão Nacional da Verdade foi entregue hoje em cerimônia oficial no Palácio do Planalto à presidenta Dilma Rousseff. Dividido em três volumes, o relatório é o resultado de dois anos e sete meses de trabalho da Comissão Nacional da Verdade, criada pela lei 12528/2011. Instalada em maio de 2012, a CNV …
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dez 09 2014
Narciso Pires recebe Prêmio Pablo Neruda – 2014 concedido pela Câmara de Vereadores de Curitiba
Narciso Pires, presidente do Grupo Tortura Nunca Mais do Paraná, será homenageado nesta quarta-feira, 10, com o Prêmio Pablo Neruda de Direitos Humanos – 2014 concedido pela Câmara de Vereadores de Curitiba. A homenagem a Narciso Pires, ex-preso políticos e histórico militante na luta contra o regime militar e pela redemocratização no país, foi proposta …
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