Para quem estiver nos Estados Unidos em meados de novembro e tiver possibilidade de participar, uma boa programação é o debate sobre o papel da anistia na justiça de transição brasileira, promovido pelo Institute for Global Law, Justice, and Policy da New York School of Law, e pelo grupo de interesse sobre justiça de transição e estado de direito da American Society of International Law. Participam do debate a professora Ruti Teitel e o Sr. Marcelo Torelly, que até recentemente atuou na Comissão de Anistia do Ministério da Justiça e nos traz o convte.
Segue abaixo algumas informações uteis.
Brazil’s Reckoning with Transitional Justice:
Understanding the Role of Amnesty
A Conversation with Brazilian Transitional Justice Expert Marcelo D. Torelly
Chaired by Professor Ruti Teitel
Cosponsored by the NYLS Institute for Global Law, Justice, & Policy and the ASIL Transitional Justice and Rule of Law Interest Group
Please join the Transitional Justice Network for a conversation with Brazilian Transitional Justice Expert Marcelo D. Torelly about Brazil’s amnesty dilemma for dictatorship-era criminals.
The goal of the Transitional Justice Network is to promote global discourse among students, scholars, and professionals on issues of transitional justice. A place for discussion, where students can learn about issues in the field, scholars can link with other scholars working in similar areas, and professionals can keep up to date with trending thoughts and philosophies.
Marcelo D. Torelly is currently a visiting researcher at the Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School. He has been Advisor, Brazilian Ministry of Justice on Transitional Justice issues, as well as Manager, Transitional Justice Exchange and Development Program, and has taught theory and philosophy of law at Brasilia Catholic University.
Ruti Teitel is the Ernst C. Stiefel Professor of Comparative Law, New York Law School.
November 14, 2013
6:15 p.m. – 8 p.m.
New York Law School
185 West Broadway
(corner of Leonard Street)
Boardroom, W204 (2nd Floor)
New York, NY 10013